Stitching time

God has given us gifts we just need to find what it is...

Week end coming

My family are coming this week end I am excited about seeing them. I will be cooking a little before so not much stitching the rest of the week. I do not like to stand in the kitchen while they are here, I try to have all foods planned ahead. I have the taco meat ready (grand kids love that). Now I need to get cookies made and a Birthday cake or brownies for Anna's 14 Birthday. We will celebrate that day on Sunday when Taylor and Savannah get here.Besides Birthday for Anna and Ben it is the start of College Football season. This is a great fun time for our family. We all love College Football being there and staying home watching it. Wow! the cheering will start Thursday in our TV room. Fun times. I have lost my camera some where here in the house. I will find it soon and post what I have purched lately. I am needing to take time to learn to use it.. Lots of $$ spent on this one. You will see soon. OH! I mentioned the favor I would not have to do Well I was so wrong. The ladies even tell me to prepare for 200 but I am only preparing for 100 and then will make more if needed. My friend Wanda is going to help me with this project. Boy! did I misunderstand all that mess!!

Busy Day

I thought I would be home tonight and relax a while before bed time. Today I did some cleaning at our church building. Then on way to recycle somethings I ran over a screw driver WOW a flat tire! took a while to get it changed and the day was about over. Church on Wed. night is always nice. Then tonight I get an e mail from the instructor of a class I am taking in Oct. asking me where my papers were she had sent for me to fill out. boy was I embarrassed!! then off to the computer and my stitching stash I went. I have a lot of work to do to get ready for these 2 classes. Plus finish these 2 quilts I have hanging over me right now. Happy the ladies at church decided on a different favor and I am not involved. What a blessed day!

Need for a FulltimeTec Aid

I have been having so much trouble with all my Technical things I have. * My Ipod will not down load my audio books I have bought. * Can not hook up with e mail when in hotel. I just can not figure out what I am doing wrong. * The printer will not print the project I have scanned. I need this for my class I am taking at ANG Seminar. * I want to have my computer to be connected to the other computer here in the house and this does not work. I have done all I know to do and still nothing. * I tried to make this computer the default for I Tunes and no luck * We had to buy a new GPS, as the last one I could not get to work correctly. This one is not getting set up easy.. Got a TOM-TOM...ha ha As I write this I am just about in tears. I want to use all these fun things and it just will not work for me. I have always dreamed of a full time gardener but now I guess my dreams will change to a full time Tec. Where do I start to look for this employee?

Hot Day In Georgia

This is the fabrics I bought on our trip to Nebraska. What will I do with them? Who knows but they will look nice in my collection. they were lost in our luggage for a few days, I was very concerned that I would not see them again. Came to our door at 11:30 P M Monday Sunday night. What I am working on right now! A baby quilt for a boy whose room is blue & brown. I am using the soft/fuzzy fabric in the white part of half square. Went to our Church Book Club tonight and was amazed at how much discussion came out of this book. "The Cubicle Next Door" I was not impressed with the book but understand it has won some honors in the Christian book world. It is fun to be with ladies of all ages and from all walks of life. Next Month Book is "Time Lottery" by nancy Moser.

Back Home from Nebraska

I am back to my home and bed! But this did not happen easy. The plane in Dallas was stopped before take off and then that flight was canceled. We did get back but it was 1:AM when we did land, then no luggage could be found with our name on it. After sleeping in Saturday morning, watering plants, working on a new project I think I am back to normal. The trip to Lincoln, Nebraska was a nice trip. This is a nice part of our country! The corn grows tall, soybeans grow think! It is so nice to see some farmers are still trying to farm. I found lots of Quilt shops to spend $$ and get some new ideas. Enjoyed seeing the University of Nebraska, I was surprised at its size. Went to The International Quilt Museum and had a nice day. This Museum is only 2 years old, full paid for, lots of volunteers work, with 3000 quilts plus computer slides of all 3000. They do a full room show then put those quilts away for 10 years before they are shown again. The show I got to see was Asian these pieces were from 5 different tribes in India. I have never see so much hand stitching on a quilt, some of stitching made pictures. The Quilts were not very old just different, no batting but used old clothes in layers. Could not make pictures of course. I really like Gee's Bend quilts and there was 1 tribe who made very similar quilts-interesting! Pictures, 1st, the front of the Museum, 2nd is the art work out front and looks like a mess of thread, and 3rd is inside the mess of thread I found chairs.

ANG class work

I have been waiting for some information about the class i signed up for at this years ANG seminar. Well I GOT IT first the class on finishing some of my stitched projects. I am excited to get some pointer about this type of work. I do most of my finishing but with out any help of any kind. So i do not feel so good about it most of the time. I am taking a 1 day class on color from Orna Willis. I got a packet of instructions for this class! Wow is this going to be a challenge for me. She sent a picture/both sides of a laminated paper that I am to choose the picture of my choice. One side is no color in gray/beige the other is fuchsia (not my color) this will give me a real challenge. Now I am to collect as many items I can of the colors I see in this picture and bring to class. I go in my studio and I collect stuff all the time for art stuff and still find nothing in these colors. I then am to go to my thread stash and pull all the colors of this picture and I truly find nothing-well 1 "watercolor" that might work even in my DMC there is not a thing. ha! You can see the fabrics I have pulled from my stash and only one of them seem to really fit in this color family plus 1 green that I had. What fun I will have with this project. I am going off to some quilt stores and needlework shops to see what I might see. I think I will learn a lot in this 1 day class along with the home work.