Stitching time
God has given us gifts we just need to find what it is...
Mission Dresses
This is called a pillowcase dress. The old fashion idea of this type of dress was take an old pillowcase and make it into a dress for a child. I am sewing the width of the fabric and then hem it and make the dress as if a pillowcase. I am making some dresses for the mission work that "Healing Hands" works with. I have lots of lace and reck rack and had fun putting trim on them. I have 17 made so far but my goal is 20 and I have a lot more fabric in my stash waiting to be made into dresses for the darling girls who wait! :-)
Pillows for Fun
This has just been a fun project for Patricia's Lake House. I think they will enjoy these soft pillow for many days of lazy life at the Lake!
This project was a challenge for me. I had a set of directions but they were not very clear so I just did my own thing mostly. I chose the colors as I went. I wanted to make it with bright and happy colors and I am pleased.
The new year came in and now it is Febuary where has the time gone? I have not gotten to do much quilting or needlepoint this year but my heart wants to. I have finished a quilt top but not quilted yet. I have made some pillows but not done the hand work on them. I helped a friend make a Roman Shade and bed spread with a few pillows and that is finished!!!!
I made this Yo Yo quilt the last couple of months last year. When I saw this idea on the cover of one of our quilt magazine's. I had a box of Yo Yo's made so this made it an easy/fun job. I appliqued each yo yo on to a 3 1/2" strip of fabric (this fabric was in my stash) I had a fun time making this quilt.
I made this Yo Yo quilt the last couple of months last year. When I saw this idea on the cover of one of our quilt magazine's. I had a box of Yo Yo's made so this made it an easy/fun job. I appliqued each yo yo on to a 3 1/2" strip of fabric (this fabric was in my stash) I had a fun time making this quilt.
I have had the most wonderful trip to Sisters, Oregon for the "Sisters Quilt Show". I guess you are like me you have read about it and looked at pictures of it and said "I would like to attend this". Well that is what I said to my husband and before the evening was gone I had plane tickets and a room in Bend, OR. We were going! We flew into Portland and drove over a mountain that had rain forest and desert looks which took us right into Sisters. this is a very small town of less then 2000 residents. There were 3 streets of town and nice wide streets as most of the west is laid out. We stopped and got some paper work telling us what we could do on Friday, the quilt show is on Saturday only.
Friday we did the sightseeing thing plus walked Sisters going in shops to see quilts that were already hanging in their shops. We rode through neighbors and saw quilts hanging on porches.
Saturday we woke early (that was easy it is 3 hour different time zone) and drove into Sisters expecting lots of traffic and delay but there was none. So we got to see the firemen hanging quilts on the side of the building the one quilt shop there which started this show 32 years ago.
Dunk and I went to the coffee company and got a cup of coffee to warm us up, 38 degrees this morning. Then the people started appearing all around. The quilts kept going up and it was a beautiful site. There were quilts on all the buildings, down 3 large streets, down the cross roads, in between buildings, on grass spots and under some tents. They told there were 1500 quilts to be seen, my husband says we saw them all maybe 2 times. I did not want to miss any thing!!
There was the most beautiful blue sky and snow top mountains all around with quilts hanging in the wind. What in the world could of been more beautiful
The quilt here of horses was the most amazing of all. this artist did this all in fabric and you could feel the moving of the horses. this was just a piece of art to just look at in AHHHHHHH.
My Susan Spargo Pillow
I have enjoyed looking and studying Susan Spargo designs. The use of wool with cotton really interreges me. I have tried to make it to one of her classes for 2 years now and it just has not worked out. I hope it will soon though.
This pillow design was in a magazine and I said this is time to do some of her work. I took her pattern and my choices of fabrics and here is what it came to. I am very pleased! I am ready to do more of her designs. Her patterns are not cheap so I will have to really be ready to do it wh
en I purchase it
This pillow design was in a magazine and I said this is time to do some of her work. I took her pattern and my choices of fabrics and here is what it came to. I am very pleased! I am ready to do more of her designs. Her patterns are not cheap so I will have to really be ready to do it wh
en I purchase it
Finished old Projects
I started these 2 months ago. I did not stay working on them and let them lay for months. It really feels good to finish things and make room in my stuido for new designs that I am excited about.
The pears are hand applique an machine quilted. It is going to be used on our kitchen table.
This crazy quilt is a child quilt made from mostly flannel. The flannel fabric was a give away at our Tuesday quilting group. I saw a quilt on line that inspired me to do some of my own designing. I think a child will like this quilt soon.
The pears are hand applique an machine quilted. It is going to be used on our kitchen table.
This crazy quilt is a child quilt made from mostly flannel. The flannel fabric was a give away at our Tuesday quilting group. I saw a quilt on line that inspired me to do some of my own designing. I think a child will like this quilt soon.
Will It ever be Finished
I have been working on the piece for a long long time. I changed come thread to the designer dismay and I like it! This matte going around the focal Calla Lilly is taking for ever. The silk threads are lovely to work with I am worried I will not have enough of the white so being very careful.
I have this flower in my yard blooming now and enjoy their beauty every year. I should make a picture of the live Callia Lilly as well. Will do tomorrow!
I have this flower in my yard blooming now and enjoy their beauty every year. I should make a picture of the live Callia Lilly as well. Will do tomorrow!
Quilt for young girl
A friend of Mona's stopped by our house for a visit and saw some of my quilting going on. She told of a little girl who had cancer in her leg and the bones were breaking easy. She wanted to give her a quilt. All I need is a reason to create another quilt. I learned she has "ladybugs" on her web site so I found some red fabric with ladybugs on it and made this the theam of the quilt. This quilt is create as you go quilt.
The big thing was using this bernina sewing machine to quilt it. This is not the best quilting job really it is a bad quilting job
but I am trying to learn. I am so jerky with my freehand motion. I hope to get better.
Wool Applique
I finished this table topper and love it. This is a gift for my daughter I know she would enjoy it where she was before but not sure now in TX. Oh Well! she moved before it was finished and before her birthday.
I do enjoy working with Felted Wool..
I do enjoy working with Felted Wool..
We loaded our HHR with plants and boxes of items movers would not take and off we went to Austin TX to see where our children have landed.
We like where they have chosen to live. The girls schools are close. The sports are fun and drama for Taylor may lead to big things for her. -this is Savannah playing flag football and she loves it!!!!
We like where they have chosen to live. The girls schools are close. The sports are fun and drama for Taylor may lead to big things for her. -this is Savannah playing flag football and she loves it!!!!
The Indian Lady is all finished, farmed and mailed to the ANG seminar auction leader.
I did recieve a note back form Patricia that she has received it and was very pleased with it being finished and framed.
I am happy it is all done and gone!!!
I did recieve a note back form Patricia that she has received it and was very pleased with it being finished and framed.
I am happy it is all done and gone!!!
Book I just read
I just read "How to be an American Housewife" by Margaret Dilloway. I guess you can say I did not enjoy it but it did make me think of my history classes about the war with Japan. I have also traveled to Japan and have had some Japanese people in my home from Japan so I do know some of their mannerisms. I think this book has made me a little upset all over again. The book talked of the Nuclear Bomb that USA dropped not mentioning what they did to start the whole thing. The book did mention the Emptier and what they thought he was trying to do.
The author is a daughter of a Japanese lady who married an American soldier, then moved to USA. I believe her family separated themselves from their daughter after she left Japan. This is strange because the family always arrange daughter's marriage and seems Father told her to find an American Husband.
Finished 2 more UFO
I quilted this boy quilt for the cancer hospital our quilt group makes quilts for. I have had it ready for months waiting for the sewing machine to be ready to practice. I played with it for hours last week. I need more practice I juSt do not move smooth with the free motion. This is going be a while and lots of practice. I hope I am infor the long haul. The table runner was for last Christmas which missed the whole thing! ha! I now have it ready for next year and I think it will look nice in our dinning room.
I do like to have a pretty table for family time.
Now what about Easter It's coming up?
I do like to have a pretty table for family time.
Now what about Easter It's coming up?
The Indian Lady ready for the Framer
Daughter moves to Texas
Our Daughter calls telling us she will be moving to Austin Texas. We move back to the Southeast to be near our family and now they move to Texas. I am sure they will enjoy their time there just as Dunk and I did. We are happy for them to have the experence of being involved with University of Texas Football. I am sure it will fun and exciting.
I will miss just knowing I can not drive to see them when ever I want. But Patricia tells me that is why I have moved close to the Atlanta airport!! I guess it is.:-)
More on our Retreat
My 2 Teenage Granddaughters came for our Retreat at Nannie's house. That means no one else can be here. But Yee Haw was around some so we had him go to get food for us as we did not have time to cook!!
We made so many things and had so much fun from Friday till Monday morning. We even went to Waffle house for breakfast the last morning. It was all great but Anna got to feel bad the last morning so it ended kind of on a bad note.
Here are a few things we made. We had a pattern for these small boxes and they were fun to make. Then with the left over fabric we made book marks and luggage tags. They brought their scrap books and made some pages for them.
Then we found directions to a journal made from a file folder. Then we really had fun. We got into their parents old school papers and used it to make these books. We laughed and had fun makeing these.
I am Back
Holiday's at the Hale House
Christmas came and went The New Year 2011 is here. We had a wonderful time with all our family. There was so much fun going on. We had gift giving off and on for days, games played, kick ballgames, new Wii games, and lots of eating! Then we traveled to Patricia's for Christmas day and enjoyed seeing the girls enjoy thier Santa gifts. Snow came on Christms day afternoon with much beauty. This was a 1st for us Southerns. Then later in the week we traveled to my sister's for a day and got to visit and exchange giftw with them.
What will the new year bring for our family this year? I pray it will be a good year with peace, love, and family. The January calendar is getting full and each thing I am looking forward to. Auburn Tigers Football game, Retreat week end with granddaughters. It just can not get much better.

My Birthday is the day after Halloween and so I guess that is why I enjoy Halloween so much. I am not sure what I will be this hollween but I will try to have fun with the children who come by.
Our grandson is all ready having fun dressing up and I mean "Dressing Up" I guess he is James Bond. sam loves to put on his tie and coat any time he can. the Glasses really make the outfit.
Fall Is Here
It seems Fall has arrived in Georgia. We woke this morning to temperatures in the 30's. All I can say is Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I do not like winter as I stay cold most of the time.
I guess I will go to my studio and stay for a few months. But 1st Thanksgiving is coming up on us soon. What will be the menu this year?? Turkey, dressing, mac&cheese I guess.
We are all enjoying Auburn football this fall and going to the games is a lot of fun. The tailgate party is always nice to visit with family & other Auburn fans. This week end Auburn is playing Arkansas and this is going to be a hard game. I will stay home and watch in our Auburn TV room.

Finishing class
ANG Siminar
Magi Boxes
Trading Card with Stitchin Fingers
I hope to be back posting more often now. I just got lazy for a while. I have so many jobs to get done that I had to take some time to get them under control. This month is flying by too fast for me. It is about time to go to ANG seminar and I have home work to get done plus a lot of stuff to line up to carry with me.I think I have my color board all ready see what you think.
I was to collect all kinds of things to relate in color with this picture the teacher sent me. Here is the picture That she sent me.
I am pleased with it and ready to take it to Ohio. Now if I could get all the threads I need lined up. The overdye tread is the main color and I can not find what I like.
Now to get all my things lined up for the finishing class I have..
Here is the new baby
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